Call for Proposals

On February 9, 2022, IANN-QCD has launched its first Call for Proposals. While applications can be submitted at any time, early submissions are encouraged. We expect a large fraction of the applications will be submitted by May 31, 2022. All the proposed activities must be completed by June 1, 2023.

Inquiries about this call should be directed to:

Prof. Daniel Tapia Takaki
Project lead and general inquires

Specific inquiries to explore research opportunities can also be directed to:

Prof. Christine Aidala

Research opportunities in the experimental QCD program

Prof. Jean Delayen

Research opportunities in accelerator science and technologies:

Prof. Carlos Bertulani

Research opportunities in the theoretical and computing QCD program:

Prof. Abhay Desphande
Research opportunities in the EIC project and the experimental QCD program